Access Keys:

Camphill Primary School, Ballymena
Online Uniform shop opens again on Monday 3rd June until Friday 14th June for delivery 19th August - school will be contacting parents regarding collection times/dates for uniform from 22nd August.  | P1 parents - please see Parentmail re: P2 pouch/bag purchase for Sep'24. | P4 parents - please make sure all payments/permissions for the upcoming trip to W5 and visit by 'Wee Critters' are completed by this Friday. Thank you. | Sports Days - Weather permitting will run next week - WEDS - P3/4 - THURS - P5/6/7 - FRI - P1/P2 - see times on website calendar. Pupils in P1- P4 to wear school polo shirt/school jumper and own choice of bottoms and trainers on their Sports Day. P5/6/7 pupils should come to school on Sports Day wearing full PE KIT - PE shorts & t-shirt and school jumper. 
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P7AM Road Safety Bus

28th Apr 2023

Today we had the Road Safety Bus in school which was led by Susan and Kevin. We found out lots of information about how to travel safely on a bus and how to stay safe at the bus stop. One of the most important things that Kevin highlighted to us was staying in our seats when we are travelling on a bus and making sure our seatbelts remain on!