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Camphill Primary School, Ballymena
P4 parents - please see Parentmail 'shop' re: P4 Term 3 trip and classroom visit from 'Wee Critters' - please also complete permission form sent. Thank you.  | P6 pupils start their 'Peaceplayers' Basketball sessions with St.Colmcilles this week - All May dates on website calendar. Parents look out for the information on this along with an online permission to travel to St.Colmcilles via Parentmail coming out. | Save the Date - TUES 14th May - Parent's breakfast in the school hall - 9am - 10:45am - come along and hear up-to-date information from SAFER SCHOOLS about keeping your child safe online - See NEWS - 29/4/24. Help us plan for seating and food on the morning by completing the online form sent via Parentmail on WEDS 1st MAY. Thank you.  | School is closed on Mon. 6th & Tues. 7th May to pupils - we will see everyone back on Weds. 8th May. | Online School Uniform shop is opened - closes - Friday 24th May for delivery to school 17th June....... if you require new school uniform for September please order as soon as possible. | Nurture Room - we are delighted to announce that we will soon be seeing the ground work commence for our additional classroom (Our Nurture Room) - planning has been passed, EA have issued the works and we hope to see the modular classroom arrive on site by early September, with ground work starting in the summer months. This classroom will be placed outside the Primary 4 end of the building. 
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Numeracy Day is coming.... Thursday 19th Oct.

9th Oct 2023

On Thursday 19th October 2023, we will be holding a Numeracy Day as part of ‘Maths Week Ireland’ which will provide an opportunity to celebrate mathematics and boost motivation and interest in the subject.

We are asking for pupils to come to school on this date, dressed as someone ‘Numeracy related.’ This might include dressing up as someone who uses Numeracy in their job, such as a shop assistant, builder, teacher etc. Another option is to come in a Numeracy-themed costume, such as a sporting kit with numbers on it, a specially designed t-shirt with numbers. There are lots of different possibilities!

On Numeracy Day, each class will have a visit from someone to talk about how they use Numeracy in their job. Each class will also have a lesson focusing on practical skills in Numeracy.

We are looking forward to celebrating Numeracy on this date!

Mr McCullough

Numeracy Coordinator