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Camphill Primary School, Ballymena
P1 parents - please see Parentmail re: P2 pouch/bag purchase for Sep'24. | P4 parents - please make sure all payments/permissions for the upcoming trip to W5 and visit by 'Wee Critters' are completed by this Friday. Thank you. | Sports Days - Weather permitting will run next week - WEDS - P3/4 - THURS - P5/6/7 - FRI - P1/P2 - see times on website calendar. Pupils in P1- P4 to wear school polo shirt/school jumper and own choice of bottoms and trainers on their Sports Day. P5/6/7 pupils should come to school on Sports Day wearing full PE KIT - PE shorts & t-shirt and school jumper. 
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Internet Safety Day in P3SG 🖥

6th Feb 2024

As part of Internet Safety Day we looked at lots of different ways that we can stay safe online. We watched a video called ‘Jessie and Friends’ which was about not sharing photographs and we read a story called ‘Digiduck Saves the Day’ which was about positive ways to use the internet. We discussed the importance of not sharing personal information online. Later we took some time to listen to an article on Junior News Desk all about Internet Safety Day 2024. As part of our discussions today we also looked at UNICEF Articles 17 and 19 and discussed how these articles were connected to our learning around Internet Safety. We have all learned lots today about staying safe online.