Access Keys:

Camphill Primary School, Ballymena
P1 parents - please see Parentmail re: P2 pouch/bag purchase for Sep'24. | P4 parents - please make sure all payments/permissions for the upcoming trip to W5 and visit by 'Wee Critters' are completed by this Friday. Thank you. | Sports Days - Weather permitting will run next week - WEDS - P3/4 - THURS - P5/6/7 - FRI - P1/P2 - see times on website calendar. Pupils in P1- P4 to wear school polo shirt/school jumper and own choice of bottoms and trainers on their Sports Day. P5/6/7 pupils should come to school on Sports Day wearing full PE KIT - PE shorts & t-shirt and school jumper. 
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Healthy Break in P7AM

1st Feb 2022

Today we began our new Healthy Break scheme. We were very excited to receive a fruit kebab and a piece of toast at breaktime. Yummy! We also were given a water bottle each with the school logo on it. Remember to bring fill and bring your water bottle with you each day to keep hydrated. 


Each week we will have an unknown day where the teachers will be checking if we have a healthy break with us or not. None of us know which day this will be. What's exciting is that there are stickers and prizes to be won! 


Let's see if P7AM can win the prize for the month of February!