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Camphill Primary School, Ballymena
We will be supporting the NSPCC 'Talking Pants' awareness campaign during May - see NEWS below (8th May). | This week (8th May) sees the start of Summer Assessments in school - all P3/P4/P5/6/7 pupils will be sitting assessments this week and next - - please make sure your child is in school so they do not miss these important summer standardised tests. | 'Little Stars' booking opens (Weds. 8th) for the block - Mon. 13th May - Friday 14th June - all bookings must be made by this Friday. | P2 pupils can now purchase from the CANTEEN at BREAKTIME on a THURSDAY during May & June - see breaktime menu (under PARENTS area) - children will be able to purchase an item such as a pancake/slice of toast etc.... this is to prepare the P2 children for having access to Breaktime snacks everyday from P3. | P6 parents - please look out for information in your Parentmail for the P7 2025 residential school trip. | * New date - P7 'Leavers' Ballymena Guardian photo for their June supplement - will be taken this Tuesday 14th - normal school jumper/uniform/black shoes to be worn. | Afterschools JuJitsu is now ready to open - club dates in MAY - see website calendar (information home via Parentmail on Weds. 8th May) | Save the Date - TUES 14th May - Parent's breakfast in the school hall - 9am - 10:45am - come along and hear up-to-date information from SAFER SCHOOLS about keeping your child safe online - See NEWS - 29/4/24. Help us plan for seating and food on the morning by completing the online form sent via Parentmail on WEDS 1st MAY. Thank you. | Online School Uniform shop is opened - closes - Friday 24th May for delivery to school 17th June....... if you require new school uniform for September please order as soon as possible. 
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Decisions, Decisions for our Eco Committee!

18th Sep 2019

Our P7 Eco Committee have resumed our Eco meetings this afternoon. Their first task was a big one! They had to work their way through 33 Eco Warrior applications and 31 Eco Committee applications! We are so pleased to see so many people interested in joining our team! The application forms were of such a high standard, we know if we need any help outside our Eco Committee that we have lots of willing volunteers! We can’t wait to announce our new members in Assembly next Tuesday and get started working in our school grounds!