Translink School Bus route & Journey price (updated SEP'24)
Camphill PS School bus leaves the Bus Station at 8:30am/8:35am and travels the route of the Galgorm Road, Dans Road, Tullygarley/The Rosses and Toome Road stopping at each stop along the route and then arrives at Camphill PS at 8:45am/8:50am.
Camphill school bus leaves Camphill PS at 2:10pm/3:10pm and then travels the route of the Toome Road up to the stop at Tullagh Dale, onto The Rosses/Tullygarley, then down the Dans Road and onto the Galgorm Road again stopping at each stop along the route - arriving into the Bus Station at 2:25pm/3:25pm.
- Single fare - pay as you go - 95p a journey
- Translink journey 'top up' card - 10 Journeys - £7.75 (78p a journey) (£1.00 for first 'SMART card')
- Translink journey 'top up' card - monthly - £31.00 (78p a journey) (£1.00 for first 'SMART card')
Camphill Primary School, 65 Carolhill Park, Ballymena BT42 2DG Phone: 028 2565 2940