Aims and Values
Caring - provide a stimulating, happy, caring and secure learning environment where everyone can make mistakes and develop resilience
Awareness – develop and promote an awareness of the social skills necessary to be a contributing member of the community both in and out of school
Motivation – motivate the children to develop lively, enquiring, imaginative and creative minds
Positivity - promote positive attitudes and encourage respect for self, others and the environment
Health - develop a healthy lifestyle and nurture a sense of responsibility in preparation for their future
Independence – encourage self-confidence and independence
Learning - provide learning opportunities for the pupils to develop their potential through the delivery of a broad and balanced curriculum
Links – foster good links between the school and the home and between the school and the wider community
Praise – develop an environment of praise and positive reinforcement
Self-Evaluation - encourage children to self-evaluate and become reflective thinkers

Camphill Primary School, 65 Carolhill Park, Ballymena BT42 2DG Phone: 028 2565 2940