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Camphill Primary School, Ballymena
See After schools information in NEWS below (Thurs. 20th March) | Spring Pupil Progress meetings with Class Teachers take place this week - Mon 17th March - School closes at 12noon on St. Patrick's Day and the rest of the week at 1:30pm for all pupils. Little Stars/Big Stars will run from 1:30pm onwards from Tuesday - Friday. The school bus will run Tues- Fri at normal times - 2pm (pupils will be supervised in school until 2pm) & 3pm for Little Stars pupils. | This Friday is Comic Relief RED NOSE Day - See NEWS below - Wear RED/Non-Uniform Day. | P7 parents - see Parentmail on Mon.17th regarding a Shared Education trip to Wrightbus. | After schools information will be out later this week - Eco Club starts this week...... P6/P7 Cricket Club information opening on TUES.18th  | During the last 2 weeks of March we will be supporting SUSTRANS 'Big Walk & Wheel' - look out for more information on NEWS below later this week.  | Coming soon..... EASTER 'Split the Pot' fundraiser, Easter Raffle and Family 'TABLE QUIZ' (Thursday 10th April @6:45pm) - more details from Monday 24th...
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Our School


Camphill Primary School is a 'EA Controlled' school within the Northern Region for children between the ages of four and eleven.

It is situated in its own grounds of three acres in the Carolhill Park area, off the Toome Road in Ballymena. The original school was opened in 1967 with the school celebrating 50 years in education in 2017/18. The original school has since been replaced with a modern, state of the art building which opened in January 2007 with a further extension completed in June 2013.  The building is designed and equipped to the highest of standards to provide the very best learning and working environment for our children and our staff.

The school has a wide catchment area with children attending the school from the surrounding Ballymena area. The school admits 60 pupils into Primary One each year and has a school enrolment figure of approximately 400 pupils. Each year group consists of two straight classes from P1- P7 with approximately 30 pupils in each class.

The school building consists of 15 classrooms clustered around central resource areas, a large Main Hall and a separate Canteen/Dining Hall. In addition, there are rooms utilised for Learning Support, Instrumental tuition, group activities etc. A new modular Nurture Room is arriving on site in the 24/25 academic year. 

There are extensive grounds surrounding the school including playgrounds, a large playpark, outdoor covered resource areas, a football pitch and grass play areas. The development of 'Environmental Gardens' also enhances the outdoor learning for all our pupils.

The Principal is assisted by a teaching Vice-Principal, a further 16 teachers, 14 classroom assistants, 3 school secretaries, a building supervisor, 3 cleaners, 8 supervisory staff, a cook and 4 kitchen staff plus two crossing patrol men. All staff are committed to working as part of a team and are conscientious, hardworking and dedicated to the school and its pupils.