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Camphill Primary School, Ballymena
Online applications for a Primary 1 place for September 2025 open via EA Connect on Friday 10th at 12noon. See more information in 'NEWS' on Friday 10th. Applications close at 12noon on Friday 24th January 2025.
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WORLD BOOK DAY - Thursday 3rd March

21st Feb 2022

World Book Day is coming up on Thursday 3rd March. This year is the 25th Anniversary of World Book Day.

The theme of this special 25th Anniversary year is ‘I am a reader’.  To celebrate we are having a dress up day in school where we are encouraging all of our children to come to school dressed as their favourite character from a book. Now is your chance to get creative, the list is endless!  We also encourage the children to bring a copy of their book with them, if they have it. 

We would like the children to be able to do the following:
P1-4: Share with their class the name of their character,  the book they are from and, if they can manage it, why they like the book/character.
P5-7: Share/Present a one minute speech about their character and their book.

On World Book Day all classes will have a day centred around reading / books and pupils will be watching events hosted by Scholastic and Puffin live. 

Every child will also be receiving a World Book Day £1 token to take home. They can spend this wherever they wish. As parents/guardians you may want to show your child the free books they can get with this on the World Book Day website.

The Book Fair will also be in school during the week of World Book Day- information to follow.

We look forward to seeing your ideas and costumes and having a fun WORLD BOOK DAY 2022!