Welcome to Primary 1
We are really looking forward to seeing our new Primary 1 children again. Please remember to come on the correct date for your group. We will meet you at the class cloakroom door for 9.15am.
Please bring :
- a small break time snack and drink (in a disposable or wipeable container)
- a small packet of tissues
- PE slippers with Velcro fastening
- a small hand sanitiser (optional)
The tissues, PE shoes and hand sanitiser will be kept under your desk. The snack will be kept in the cloakroom until break time.
Please do not bring:
- a schoolbag
- a pencil case
- bag for PE shoes
- any toys
These items will not be needed in Primary 1. We will provide each child with their own pencils, crayons and pouch.
Please collect your child at 12noon from the class cloakroom door.
We look forward to the whole class working together from Thursday 3rd September where morning and pick up times follow family surnames staggered start and finish times until further notice - (See below)
If your surname starts with A - H | Start time - 8:45 - 8:55 | Finish time - 12 - 12:10 |
If your surname starts with I - P | Start time - 8:55 - 9:05 | Finish time 12:10 - 12:20 |
If your surname starts with Q - Z | Start time - 9:05 - 9:15 | Finish time 12:20 - 12:30 |
Thank you for your co-operation,
Mrs McMillan & Mrs Smith 😊
Camphill Primary School, 65 Carolhill Park, Ballymena BT42 2DG Phone: 028 2565 2940