Access Keys:

Camphill Primary School, Ballymena
Online applications for a Primary 1 place for September 2025 are now open via EA Connect. See more information in 'NEWS' below (10th & 14th January). Applications close at 12noon on Friday 24th January 2025. | AfterSchools information out on Tuesday 14th January (via Parentmail) - see NEWS below........ all dates/times on website calendar.  | How you book 'Little Stars' & 'Big Stars' is changing from February - this is to give parents more flexibility in a month of the days they wish to book.  More details to be issued before booking opens on Monday 20th January.  | P6 & P7 pupils have now started their rehearsals for their show 'Lights, Camera, Action' - ticket information will be out on Monday 20th January -dates/times on website calendar. | P7 parents - see details home on Monday 13th January re: Trip to Titanic in February.
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14th Aug 2020

Dear Parent

School uniform is now ready to collect from the School Canteen on TUESDAY 18th August between 10am - 3pm. We would encourage families with surnames beginning with A- M to collect their order between 10am - 1pm with families with surnames ending in N - Z to collect their order between 1pm - 3pm.

All uniform is bagged and labelled as per your online order.

The school front and back gates will be open.

Mrs Hamill from the school office will be there to assist you with collection of your order.

This information will also be added to our website as our new P1 parents are not on PARENTMAIL as of yet - if you can help to pass this message onto any new P1 parents we would appreciate this. Thank you.