Access Keys:

Camphill Primary School, Ballymena
P2-P7 parents - Have you returned you DATA Information booklet - this needs to be returned by this Friday 27th September. | Flu Vaccination forms are home this week (Tuesday) - these must be completed and returned to school by next Monday 23rd September. | A photographer from the Ballymena Guardian is in school this Thursday to take a P1 class photo for their newspaper supplement - P1 parents please see Parentmail on Tuesday 17th Sep and ordering form going home on Thursday. | P7 parents - This Friday is the last day to register your child to sit the SEAG test - please see Parentmail sent 9/9/24. A Practice materials letter is home via Parentmail on Mon 16th Sep - please read.  | P1 parents - a 'Canteen lunch' invitation for your child is being sent via Parentmail on Tuesday this week - please complete this digital form before Thursday 19th.  | P1 parents - please remember pupils remain in school from next week for their lunch. | Calendar dates have been added to our website - please check these as a few have been updated. Dates are now final on the website calendar. 
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Santa arrives to Camphill in style!!

20th Dec 2023

There was great excitement when Santa arrived at Camphill Primary School on Wednesday 20th December. We all had to go outside to help Mrs McMaster and Andy look for Santa. Out of nowhere we heard the roar of a fast car and a green Ferrari drove in through the school gates!!! The Ferrari was worth £250,000.00!!!!! What a fantastic sight that was with Santa sitting in the passenger seat! He really does like to travel here in style!

Everyone got to visit Santa and he gave us Prime Candyfloss and a sticker. We then went to our Key Stage parties and had a DJ at our discos where loud Christmas music was playing and lots of dancing took place! Santa even arrived into the disco and danced with the boys & girls! 

What a fantastic day! 

(see lots more photos on class website pages)