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Camphill Primary School, Ballymena

Primary 3 take a trip back in time at Arthur Cottage

1st Oct 2019
1st October 2019

This morning both Primary 3 classes went on a very enjoyable trip to visit Arthur Cottage in Cullybackey. We all had a fantastic time learning about life in the past. As our current World Around Us topic in school is fire the lady told us lots of interesting facts about the hearth and the fire in the cottage. The fact that we all liked best was that little crickets used to live in between the stones of the hearth and that the children of the house fell asleep at night listening to their chirping. Strangely enough though, we all agreed that we much preferred life today! We watched a baking demonstration. The lady made pancakes. She made a pancake batter first and then cooked it on a griddle hanging above the open fire. When the pancakes were cooked she buttered them and gave everyone one to eat. They were delicious!