Access Keys:

Camphill Primary School, Ballymena
School closes at 2pm on Friday 7th February for the Half-Term break and re-opens on Monday 17th February. | Ballymena Festival - Junior & Senior Choir members - parental permission form being sent out via Parentmail on Tuesday 4th Feb - to be completed by Mon. 17th February.  | P5 pupils begin their Shared Education project with Mary Queen of Peace this Tuesday via an online 'meet up' - parents please see permission form home (via Parentmail on Tues. 4th Feb) for their face-to-face meet up at MQP school after half-term. This form must be completed by Monday 17th February.  | P7 pupils/parents will be receiving information about purchasing the Term 3 Leavers Hoodies on Friday 7th February via Parentmail. | World Book Day is coming on Thursday 6th March- On Thursday 6th Feb information will be placed in 'NEWS' below about the arrangements for this day.  | P7 parents - please remember the February payment for 'Greenhill' is now open for payment - last day to make this payment is Friday 28th Feb. 
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P7AM Young Enterprise

21st Apr 2021

Today we had our first session as part of the Young Enterprise Business scheme. We had lots of fun learning about the beginning of a business and being an entrepreneur. Our first challenge was to create a tower using spaghetti, marshmallows, string and tape. We had lots of fun creating these, and perhaps there are even some budding engineers in our class! The tallest tower was 70cm high, very impressive! 

We are looking forward to getting our entrepreneurial hats on and getting our business started!