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Camphill Primary School, Ballymena
Spring Pupil Progress meetings with Class Teachers take place next week - Mon 17th March - Booking an appointment day/time will be via Parentmail from 6pm on Monday (10th). School closes at 12noon on St. Patrick's Day and the rest of this week at 1:30pm for all pupils. Little Stars/Big Stars will run from 1:30pm onwards from Tuesday - Friday of next week. | This week all pupils will take part in NSPCC 'Keeping Safe' lessons - some classes may share some lessons as homework - ask your child about their 'Keeping Safe' lessons.  | This week in school all PE lessons will have a GYMNASTICS focus - our hall is all set up and ready - look out for some photos..... | Last day of Book Fair - Monday 10th March. Our World Book Day 'Book Exchange' will happen this Friday - pupils will exchange their tokens for books.  | Morning safety announcement - please note pupils should not be left unsupervised on the playground in the morning before 8:45am when classroom doors open. The only pupils onsite before this time should be pupils at Breakfast Club.  There is no supervision in school for all other pupils until 8:45am.  | P2 PIRATE DAY - this WEDNESDAY!! we can't wait to see all the pirates around school!  | P2 parents - information about a summer term trip to Belfast Zoo is out this Wednesday. | Any P4JC/P5 parents signed up to the Fresh Minds Education workshop this WEDNESDAY - please arrive for 2pm at the school reception area.  | P7 parents - the MARCH residential trip payment is now due - last day to pay 31st March.  | Good luck to our senior boys who play in a Football Tournament this Tuesday at Kells Muga pitch. | New Afterschool Club information will be out next week - ECO CLUB information however will be out to members on Monday 10th.
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P7 present ‘Mystery at Magpie Manor’ in early February!

24th Jan 2022

Our P7s are thoroughly enjoying getting ready to produce ‘Mystery at Magpie Manor’ in February! Our wonderful P6s support our P7s as our chorus singers!

We have tiny little clips to let our parents see what’s to come!!!! 

Watch this space!