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Camphill Primary School, Ballymena
The School Nursing Team will be in Camphill this Friday administering the FLU Vaccination to P1 - P7 pupils. | Senior Choir members from P6 & P7 will be performing on BBC Newsline in December (date to be confirmed) ....... Parents of P6 & P7 choir members please see your Parentmail this week.  | Poppies will be on sale in school this week - minimum 50p donation. | ANNUAL TOY SALE is coming next FRIDAY 15th November...... all donations are now welcome...... | P3 & P4AMcL parents attending the 'Fresh Little Minds' workshop this Wednesday - The workshop will take place from 2-3pm - please see your Parentmail for details.  | P6 Nov/Dec swimming payment opens on Mon. 4th Nov - see Parentmail for details. | School Car parking reminder - as we move into the darker mornings and afternoons please remember to drive safely around school grounds. At morning drop-off time this is a reminder that no one should be stopping on the roundabout - cars should keep moving at all times to allow the swift flow of traffic in and out of school grounds.  Thank you. 
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P7 Enjoy 50th Anniversary

23rd Mar 2018

Both P7 classes had a great time on Friday 23rd March as the school officially celebrated its 50th anniversary. Before the day we had researched aspects of life in 1967/8 on the topics of 'Fashion', 'Food', 'Music', 'Film', 'Famous People', 'Events' and of course 'School'. Then we joined together in groups to pool our research and produce posters of our findings. Finally, we told the rest of the class about what we found out, so that everyone had a good idea of what life in 1967 had been like.

Also during the day, we heard a talk about how the Camphill area had gained its name, cut (and ate) a celebration cake, had a special 'picnic' lunch, watched the 'Time Capsule' and beech tree being put into the ground, planted a bulb each, watched pictures of the original Camphill school building and the move to the current one and received a commemorative medal. All in all a very busy day!

As our contribution to the 'Time Capsule', the P7s decided to add a photo of their classes, a copy of today's newspaper, a copy of the 'School Daze' play, songs and cast list (from our February production), an outline of the school's warning cards system, coins, lists of popular names, music etc from 2017/18 and a message to those who eventually unearth the capsule. Hopefully some of the children will still be around the local area and have family attending the school when it is dug up and will be able to explain all about life in 2017/18!