Access Keys:

Camphill Primary School, Ballymena
Online applications for a Primary 1 place for September 2025 are now open via EA Connect. See more information in 'NEWS' below (10th & 14th January). Applications close at 12noon on Friday 24th January 2025. | AfterSchools information out on Tuesday 14th January (via Parentmail) - see NEWS below........ all dates/times on website calendar.  | How you book 'Little Stars' & 'Big Stars' is changing from February - this is to give parents more flexibility in a month of the days they wish to book.  More details to be issued before booking opens on Monday 20th January.  | P6 & P7 pupils have now started their rehearsals for their show 'Lights, Camera, Action' - ticket information will be out on Monday 20th January -dates/times on website calendar. | P7 parents - see details home on Monday 13th January re: Trip to Titanic in February.
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P6 Wellbeing Week

10th Feb 2023

This week in P6 has been a very busy week, we have had Safer Internet Day, Children’s Mental Health Week and Keeping Safe Week altogether in one week.

We worked in pairs to create an alphabet story. We had great fun connecting with our classmates to create a story together using all of the letters of the alphabet, we were learning about how to work together and use adverbs and adjectives to make our stories more interesting. The stories allowed us to give feedback to each other and agree on what direction our stories would take and what type of stories they would be.

We have been learning about how to keep safe online, when we are using apps and we are playing video games. We created posters to show what we have learnt. We looked at how we leave digital footprints every time we use a device online.

We gave each other anonymous compliments using compliment cards to brighten up our day. One of the P7 pupils very kindly gave all of the P6 pupils a sweet for their hard work during the play.

Both classes took time out of their busy timetable to relax and be active during a Daily Mile. The walk allowed us to take notice of our surroundings and connect with each other through conversation about current affairs and our hobbies.

P6JH also learned a new skill; how to make a paper aeroplane. Some pupils were able to teach each other the skill as for some it was brand new.

We finished off our week with ‘Feel Good Friday’ where we had an unhealthy break and enjoyed some downtime.

All of these activities link to the 5 elements for our Take 5 initiative; connect, keep learning, be active, take notice and give.