P5MM ‘graduate’ from ‘Fresh Little Minds’ 🌟👏🏻
12th Mar 2025
We have now finished our journey on the ‘AMBER’ programme with Sinead. This week, we recapped on the programme.
We focused on all 5 elements of our Take 5 initiative within it - ‘connecting’ , ‘keep learning’ ‘taking notice’, ‘giving’ and ‘being active’.
Article 3 of the UNCRC reminds us to work towards what is best for each child - the programme helps to equip everyone with the tools that they need.
Everyone was presented with their own ‘Bamber’ dog, along with a certificate and other goodies!
Thank you to Sinead for a really great programme.
We focused on all 5 elements of our Take 5 initiative within it - ‘connecting’ , ‘keep learning’ ‘taking notice’, ‘giving’ and ‘being active’.
Article 3 of the UNCRC reminds us to work towards what is best for each child - the programme helps to equip everyone with the tools that they need.
Everyone was presented with their own ‘Bamber’ dog, along with a certificate and other goodies!
Thank you to Sinead for a really great programme.
Camphill Primary School, 65 Carolhill Park, Ballymena BT42 2DG Phone: 028 2565 2940