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Camphill Primary School, Ballymena
OCTOBER places now booking for 'Little Stars' / 'Big Stars' - Parentmail opens at 6pm Mon. 23rd Sep. | P3 parents - please see information out on Tuesday 24th via Parentmail re: a Trip to Arthur Cottage in Cullybackey | P6 parents - please see Parentmail on Mon. 23rd Sep re: Block 2 swimming | A whole school information slideshow following on from the Parent Information sessions will be added to the NEWS section below this week. | Would you like to join the Parent Fundraising Committee - See NEWS below.
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P4JC enjoy Eco Day

26th Apr 2024

Today was Eco Day and we all came to school wearing green clothes ready to garden and have lots of fun.

First we went to assembly where we met the Eco Committee and Eco Warriors.

We had two brilliant P7 Eco helpers Matthew and Reuben join us to help us with our activities through the day.

First we upcycled milk containers, newspaper and kitchen roll tubes to make our very own mini Bug hotels which we brought home for our gardens.

Then we learned about the Lifecycle of a Swallowtail Butterfly from the butterfly laying eggs to a caterpillar to a chrysalis and then to a butterfly.

Then it was time to go outside to our P4 Garden boxes to plant some beautiful butterfly attracting plants. We also added some individual butterfly sun catchers and a model butterfly lifecycle which we had made earlier this week to our boxes. We think they look fantastic!

After lunch we decorated our mini bug hotels and then went on a Wildlife Walk around the school grounds. We enjoyed a book about butterflies in the new outdoor classroom. Then we went to the greenhouse to plant a sunflower seed each in a tub made from the bottom of our milk containers. We have to remember to water them and are looking forward to watching them grow at home.

We all had a fantastic day and it was lovely to be able to meet each area of our Take 5 pledge by being active, keeping learning, taking notice of our surroundings, connecting with each other and nature and by giving our time together to benefit our school environment so that we can enjoy it so much more.

We might be rather tired tonight but do ask us about all the things we did on Eco day!

Here are some photos of our activities today!