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Camphill Primary School, Ballymena
Monday 31st March - last day to order through school your child's Lafayette photograph- all proof envelope orders are being collected from school on Tuesday 1st April.  | We are supporting SUSTRANS 'Big Walk & Wheel' - This week all pupils will be home with a new Hi-Vis Vest as a thank you for taking part in the event.  REMEMBER it is 'WALK IN WEDNESDAY' this week - see NEWS 31/3/25 for details. | Milk at breaktime (Term 3) opens for purchase this Wednesday - last day to order is Tues. 8th April.  | P1 parents - Remember your invitation to a 'Stay & Play' session this Tuesday (P1FM) / Wednesday (P1RS). | P3 parents - please see information re: Summer Term trip to Streamvale Farm via Parentmail on Mon. 31st March. | Good luck to the senior girls playing in the Primary Schools Netball Tournament this week! | Easter Raffle and Family 'TABLE QUIZ' information (Thursday 10th April @6:45pm) in NEWS below (31/3/25).... Please support our two Easter Fundraisers by purchasing tickets for the Table Quiz (via Parentmail) and/or buying raffle tickets. Tickets on sale via the school office or through the classroom staff from Tues. 1st April.  Our Raffle Prizes are amazing!! Thank you to everyone who donated a prize.  | UPDATE!!!!! As of THURSDAY 27th March - we have £293.00 in the POT........... that is already nearly £150.00 going to one household soon! Easter 'SPLIT THE POT' draw will take place next Thursday 10th April and the winner takes home IN CASH 'Half the pot' of money raised. Next update of cash announced later this week.....
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P4AML wear red for Comic Relief

21st Mar 2025
Today we came to school wearing red to support Comic Relief.  This is part of our Take5 steps by giving.