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Camphill Primary School, Ballymena
School is closed for the Halloween Break and will re-open again on Monday 4th November. | 'BREAK THE RULES' fundraiser - Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! We raised £1567.95 for school funds and we are so delighted! This makes a huge difference to our run-up to Christmas activities. The money also paid for Aladdin the pantomime and we are very thankful!  | ANNUAL TOY SALE is coming in November...... maybe over the holidays pupils can start to gather any unwanted toys and send them into school for the sale. | P2 parents - See Parentmail - 'Three Little Builders' STEM workshop in school on Tues. 5th Nov. | P3 & P4AMcL parents - please see Parentmail sent on Thurs. 17th Oct regarding an invitation to a 'Fresh Little Minds' workshop in early November. | P4 parents - see Parentmail - Class Visit to Ballymena Library on 7th November | P6 parents - See Parentmail - Trip to Ballymena Academy to see School Musical on Tues. 5th Nov. | P6 parents - See information in Parentmail regarding a 'Viking Workshop' coming to school in Jan'25.
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P4AML are Eco Warriors 🌏 🦋 🐞

26th Apr 2024
Today we came to school wearing green, ready to take part in lots of fun activities as part of ‘Eco Day’. We also thought about our Take5 messages whilst working today.

We made bug hotels from old milk cartons and newspaper, CONNECTING with our friends.  We were ACTIVE by taking part in planting and going on a wildlife walk where we LEARNED lots of new information from Zack and Holly, our P7 helpers.  We TOOK NOTICE of the environment around us and the sights and smells we encountered.  We enjoying GIVING our time to help our school grounds look beautiful and help the environment.  What a great day!