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Camphill Primary School, Ballymena
Milk at breaktime payment is now due for any pupil wishing to have milk this term...... see Parentmail on Mon. 17th Feb for details. | Online uniform shop is OPEN this week for any orders - delivery will be into school mid March. | This Wednesday our Digital Leaders will be promoting online safety throughout school - all classes will be involved in activities about this year's theme - 'Too good to be true? Protecting ourselves and others from online scams.'  | Good luck to our Junior & Senior Choir members who perform at Ballymena Festival this Thursday - all pupils taking part should have by now completed the Permission form via Parentmail.  | Shared Education workshops continue with Mary Queen of Peace this Friday - P5 pupils will be travelling to MQP for the day and P7 pupils will be hosting MQP P7 pupils in Camphill.  | Good Luck to our senior girls playing in the Ballymena Schools Netball Tournament this Wednesday. | A Parentmail has been sent to all the parents in P4JC/P5MM/JS who are attending the 'Fresh Little Minds' workshops later in Feb & early March. | Primary 7 parents - Post Primary applications close at 12noon this THURSDAY - 20th February. | P7 trip to TITANIC next Wednesday - please make sure payment has been made via Parentmail by this Friday - thank you. | P7 Leavers Hoodies can now be ordered via our online uniform shop - last day for orders is Friday 28th February. | P7 parents - please remember the February payment for 'Greenhill' is now open for payment - last day to make this payment is Friday 28th Feb. | This week we will be adding a 'highlights' video from our fantastic P6/7 school production of 'Lights, Camera Action....... see NEWS later this week.. | World Book Day is coming on Thursday 6th March- see NEWS below for more information.
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P4 footballing fun ⚽️

2nd May 2024

We have really enjoyed our weekly PE sessions with Daniel from the IFA and the football coaching students from the NRC.  We have played lots of games to help us improve our football skills and have thought about what it means to be a good team player and a good friend.  We are now finished the story of ‘The Incredibles’ and are ready to move on to a new story!