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Camphill Primary School, Ballymena
If you ordered a Class photograph from Lafayette Photography it will be home with your child at the start of this week. | The School Nursing Team will be in Camphill this Friday administering the FLU Vaccination to P1 - P7 pupils. | Senior Choir members from P6 & P7 will be performing on BBC Newsline in December (date to be confirmed) ....... Parents of P6 & P7 choir members please see your Parentmail this week.  | Poppies will be on sale in school this week - minimum 50p donation. | ANNUAL TOY SALE is coming next FRIDAY 15th November...... all donations are now welcome...... | P3 & P4AMcL parents attending the 'Fresh Little Minds' workshop this Wednesday - The workshop will take place from 2-3pm - please see your Parentmail for details.  | P4 parents - Class Visit to Ballymena Library this Thursday - have you given permission for your child to go - via your Parentmail payment?  | P6 Nov/Dec swimming payment opens on Mon. 4th Nov - see Parentmail for details. | School Car parking reminder - as we move into the darker mornings and afternoons please remember to drive safely around school grounds. At morning drop-off time this is a reminder that no one should be stopping on the roundabout - cars should keep moving at all times to allow the swift flow of traffic in and out of school grounds.  Thank you. 
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P3WS take Assembly

28th Mar 2019
28th Mar 2019

On Thursday morning it was the turn of P3WS to take the Foundation Stage/KS1 Assembly. As we had been learning about how Jesus used his miracles to heal sick people in our RE lessons and World Health Day was coming up on 7th April we decided to base our assembly around the theme of our health. We focused on Article 24 'Every child has the right to the best possible health'. During our assembly we discussed all the different things that are necessary for us to have the best health possible. We need to get enough sleep, to eat nutritious food, to drink lots of water, to have good hygiene, to gets lots of exercise, to have a clean environment, to have health care and to keep ourselves safe. We thought about how we can ensure that we have all the things we need to stay healthy - healthy breaks, drinking water throughout the day, our PE and stranger danger lessons are just a few of the ways in which our school helps us. In our assembly we reflected on how we have so much to be thankful for and that not everyone in the world is as lucky as we are. We concluded our assembly with a short prayer to thank God for all that he provides for us every day. We all agree that we really enjoyed taking part in our special P3WS assembly