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Camphill Primary School, Ballymena
Online applications for a Primary 1 place for September 2025 open via EA Connect on Friday 10th at 12noon. See more information in 'NEWS' on Friday 10th. Applications close at 12noon on Friday 24th January 2025.
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P3SG Assembly

7th Mar 2019

On Thursday morning P3SG took Foundation Stage/KS1 Assembly. We based our assembly around the theme of World Book Day and we focused on Article 28 'All children have the right to an education'. We started our assembly by talking about books and the different ways that we can get our hands on books. Then some children told us a little about their favourite books. We discussed how fortunate we are in the U.K to have so many books available to us. Then we looked at photographs of children in other countries around the World and how their schools are very different to our own. We looked at a photograph of a school under a bridge in New Delhi and a school under a tree in Kenya. After this we told the story of a little girl called Mina who lived in Afghanistan and due to the country being under the control of the Taliban, girls were not allowed to go to school. This made us all think about how fortunate we are to have such a lovely, comfortable school building where we can come to school to learn and at the same time feel both happy and safe. In our assembly we discussed how we have so much to be thankful for and that we need to remember to thank God for all that he has provided for us. We all really enjoyed taking part in our first P3SG class assembly.