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Camphill Primary School, Ballymena
Spring Pupil Progress meetings with Class Teachers take place this week - Mon 17th March - School closes at 12noon on St. Patrick's Day and the rest of the week at 1:30pm for all pupils. Little Stars/Big Stars will run from 1:30pm onwards from Tuesday - Friday. The school bus will run Tues- Fri at normal times - 2pm (pupils will be supervised in school until 2pm) & 3pm for Little Stars pupils. | Lafayette order proof cards will be home on Monday/Tuesday this week - if you have already ordered your child's/sibling photo through the QR card please disregard this proof card. | This Friday is Comic Relief RED NOSE Day - See NEWS below - Wear RED/Non-Uniform Day. | P6 Parents - please see information sent via Parentmail on Wednesday 12th March regarding SEAG transfer preparation. Last day to complete this form is this FRIDAY (21st). | P7 parents - see Parentmail on Mon.17th regarding a Shared Education trip to Wrightbus. | After schools information will be out later this week - Eco Club starts this week...... P6/P7 Cricket Club information opening on TUES.18th  | During the last 2 weeks of March we will be supporting SUSTRANS 'Big Walk & Wheel' - look out for more information on NEWS below later this week.  | Coming soon..... EASTER 'Split the Pot' fundraiser, Easter Raffle and Family 'TABLE QUIZ' (Thursday 10th April @6:45pm) - more details from Monday 24th...
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P2SH Fruit Tasting Day 🍎🍐

5th Feb 2025

We had a brilliant day in P2 tasting lots of different fruits. The boys and girls tasted apples, grapes, strawberries, bananas, pears and kiwi.

Before Break we did some writing about our favourite fruit.

After Break we made a tally chart to show which fruits our class liked best.It was close but strawberries came out on top! We are going to put this information into a graph when we are in the computer room very soon.

After lunch we also drew our favourite fruit using oil pastels. The pictures looked wonderful!

Well done for all your hard work P2!