Access Keys:

Camphill Primary School, Ballymena

P2EG/AH trip to Belfast Zoo 🐒🐯🦁🐘

23rd May 2024
P2 had a fantastic trip to Belfast Zoo today. When we arrived we had our break and then we went to see all the animals. We loved the giraffes, zebras and elephants. We saw all the different monkeys and then made our way to see the lions. We got really close to them and ate our lunch outside their new enclosure. After seeing some more animals we made our way to the park where we had a great time playing with our friends. At the end of the day we had a session in the Education Centre where we got to see lots of different animals, we even got to touch a hedgehog, stick insect and a snake!! We had a ‘zoo-per’ day and think we will all sleep very well tonight! We hope you enjoy looking at our photos!