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Camphill Primary School, Ballymena
P6 & P7 pupils are performing 'Lights, Camera, Action' next week on Tues - School Dress Rehearsal/Weds & Thurs - tickets will be sent home with your child on Monday 3rd February. | Primary 2 parents - see Parentmail for permission form for 'Fruit Tasting' - sent on Mon. 27th Jan.  | P6 parents - an information leaflet from the Department of Education regarding 'The Transfer Process to Post Primary School' - will be sent out via Parentmail and added to the Primary 6 class webpage on Tuesday 28th January.  | P7 parents - EA Connect opens for Post Primary Applications on Tuesday 28th January at 12noon - a link to this can be found on the Primary 7 class webpage from Tuesday at 12noon. Proof of eldest child letter (required by some schools) will be sent via Parentmail to all those who this applies to on Tuesday/Wednesday of this week. | Primary 7 parents - see Parentmail 'SHOP' for the next block of Swimming payment and Trip to Titanic payment. | Our Senior & Junior Choir are holding additional practices this week in preparation for Ballymena Festival - if your child is in a School Choir information about the festival will be out early next week. 
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P2LA joint winners of the Healthy Break Cup!

29th Sep 2023

What a successful month we have had in P2. We were excited to be joint winners of the Healthy Break Cup for the month of September!