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Camphill Primary School, Ballymena
Milk at breaktime payment is now due for any pupil wishing to have milk this term...... see Parentmail on Mon. 17th Feb for details. | Online uniform shop is OPEN this week for any orders - delivery will be into school mid March. | This Wednesday our Digital Leaders will be promoting online safety throughout school - all classes will be involved in activities about this year's theme - 'Too good to be true? Protecting ourselves and others from online scams.'  | Good luck to our Junior & Senior Choir members who perform at Ballymena Festival this Thursday - all pupils taking part should have by now completed the Permission form via Parentmail.  | Shared Education workshops continue with Mary Queen of Peace this Friday - P5 pupils will be travelling to MQP for the day and P7 pupils will be hosting MQP P7 pupils in Camphill.  | Good Luck to our senior girls playing in the Ballymena Schools Netball Tournament this Wednesday. | A Parentmail has been sent to all the parents in P4JC/P5MM/JS who are attending the 'Fresh Little Minds' workshops later in Feb & early March. | Primary 7 parents - Post Primary applications close at 12noon this THURSDAY - 20th February. | P7 trip to TITANIC next Wednesday - please make sure payment has been made via Parentmail by this Friday - thank you. | P7 Leavers Hoodies can now be ordered via our online uniform shop - last day for orders is Friday 28th February. | P7 parents - please remember the February payment for 'Greenhill' is now open for payment - last day to make this payment is Friday 28th Feb. | This week we will be adding a 'highlights' video from our fantastic P6/7 school production of 'Lights, Camera Action....... see NEWS later this week.. | World Book Day is coming on Thursday 6th March- see NEWS below for more information.
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P1RS Life in a Castle Day

7th May 2021