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Camphill Primary School, Ballymena
Parent/Teacher 'pupil progress' appointments will open for bookings (via Parentmail) at 6pm on Monday 14th October - please follow all instructions carefully. Thank you.  | This WEDNESDAY is 'ALL THINGS NUMERACY' in Camphill - see NEWS below...... this is a 'dress up' day.  | Milk at breaktime during NOV/DEC payment opens via PARENTMAIL 'shop' on Mon 14th Oct and closes at 12noon on Friday 18th. | This week all pupils will take part in NSPCC 'Keeping Safe' lessons - some classes may share some lessons as homework - ask your child about their 'Keeping Safe' lessons. | Please view the WHOLE SCHOOL INFORMATION video in NEWS below. Thank you. | We need your views..... look out for information about a new programme school is involved with this year - 'Being Well Doing Well' - see NEWS below (15/10/24) and information sent via Parentmail.  | School Uniform orders placed in September will be delivered to school this week and will be home with pupils. | Classrooms would appreciate some boxes of tissues......... we are moving into the time of the year where we are noticing more and more runny noses..... if this is something you could help us we would be very grateful. Thank you. | P3-P7 pupils will be preparing for SCHOOL COUNCIL ELECTIONS this week - ask your child about this........ | P5/P6 parents - classes visit the Bible Exhibition at Hillside Community Church this Thurs/Fri - have you completed your child's permission slip?  | P1 parents - our P1 class photos will be in Ballymena Guardian this week.... if you ordered a paper it will be home with your child on Tuesday/Wednesday.  | P6 parents - See information in Parentmail regarding a 'Viking Workshop' coming to school in Jan'25. | P7 parents - See information via Parentmail regarding a trip to Cambridge House to see 'Beauty & The Beast'. | 'BREAK THE RULES' fundraiser is coming on Friday 25th October - see POSTER in NEWS below...... this will be home with pupils later this week. On the day come to school with your poster having 'ticked' which rules you are breaking!!  | School closes for all P1-P7 pupils next week (MON-THURS) at the earlier time of 1:45pm due to Parent/Teacher meetings taking place. 'Little Stars'/'Big Stars' will start at this earlier time and run as normal. The 2pm bus will run as normal for all bus children. There will be a 3pm bus on MONDAY - as P6 pupils will go swimming as normal - school will close for P6 pupils at 2:30pm on Monday 21st OCT. 
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Our Harvest Assembly

11th Oct 2024

We celebrated HARVEST on Friday 11th October and held a whole school Assembly.  We welcomed the Youth Worker Amy Turner from High Kirk to speak at our Assembly. Amy told us what Harvest time means to the church and how from the word HARVEST can be made into words related to the meaning of Harvest. We can be thankful for what we 'HAVE' to 'SHARE' meaning we don't have to 'STARVE'. 

Amy thanked all the pupils and staff for their donations to HIGH KIRK Food Bank telling us it is called 'BOBS STORE'.  Amy explained why it is called BOB's - The 'B' stands for Bag,  'O' for of and 'B' for Blessing - the food bank is a place where 'Bags of blessing' are made to share with so many people. Everyone in Camphill thought this was such a lovely idea and were delighted to hand over a large amount of dried foods to 'Bob's Store'. Have a look at some of our photos below and on our CLASS pages.  
Our Senior Choir also performed at our Assembly and did a beautiful job of singing the hymn - 'We Sing Your Praise'.  (*listen below) Everyone then joined in at the end of our Assembly by singing 'Creator God'. 

Thank you to all the pupils and staff who were involved in our Harvest Assembly and to everyone who donated to the Food Bank - You have helped make a 'Bag of Blessing'.