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Camphill Primary School, Ballymena
Happy Christmas from everyone at CAMPHILL PS........ enjoy some festive fun over the holidays and we will see everyone back to school on MONDAY 6th January 2025.  | Well done to all our pupils who were involved in our Nativity Plays, Carol Service or choir performances in the run up to Christmas - have a look at video snippets in 'NEWS' below...... enjoy! 
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Numeracy is Fashionable 👏👭👩🏼‍⚖️

19th Oct 2023
Numeracy Week 2023

What an interesting day we had in school today. We all dressed up in an outfit with a connection to numbers. Wow! The effort and thought put into the outfits was fantastic 🥳. Each year group had a visitor who explained how their job involved numbers. We had Nikki from our office- she used to work as a FASHION BUYER FOR PRIMARK. She explained how she had to source material, work out how much she needed of each item and work out the profit PRIMARK would make. Nikki was able to travel all over the world 🌍 with her exciting job. Thank you Nikki for coming in to speak to us.

We also had the opportunity to explain to the  class how our outfits related to numbers. Great talking and listening!
Finally, we got to take part in a circuit of some fun Numeracy related activities.  What a brilliant day!