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Camphill Primary School, Ballymena
Lafayette 'Class Photo' order forms are home with pupils on Monday 30th September - orders can be completed online or must be returned to school by Wednesday 9th October.  | After School Clubs - information coming out 30th Sep.....via website NEWS and Parentmail. | Reminder - Parent Fundraising group - first meeting of new school year - this Wednesday at 6:30pm - everyone welcome! (see NEWS below)  | P3 trip to Arthur Cottage this Weds....... payment must be made via Parentmail before Tues. 1st Oct.  | P6 Swimming - October/November payment now due..... this is due before Mon. 7th Oct.  | P7 parents - are you up to date with the residential trip payments - a September payment is now due.
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NSPCC - Internet Safety

7th Feb 2019

On Wednesday we were delighted to welcome Margaret Gallagher from the NSPCC to Camphill to lead an information session for parents and staff on how to keep our children safe online. 

The wealth of information that was shared about the content of popular apps and gaming highlighted the fact that online life is becoming so fast moving that adults can very easily be falling behind with their own online knowledge! 

The NSPCC have recently developed a partnership with O2 and Margaret shared with us that all O2 stores have now ‘gurus’ who will help anyone with information about devices and online safety etc.

All participants on Wednesday also went home with a booklet called ‘Your child’s online world’ -a guide for parents’ and school have requested another 300 copies so that we can send a copy home to every family as the information is of benefit to everyone! Look out for this coming home in the next few weeks! 

Other very useful apps or websites mentioned were - 


                                                                      also as an app ‘Net Aware’

If you want to find out about apps and gaming before purchasing or downloading - please download the fantastic app called ‘Net Aware’ - this app gives parents lots of information that often parents wouldn’t know! 


Camphill PS staff take keeping safe online very seriously and are trying their best to encourage our young people to do the same - next Friday at 1:30pm (15th Feb’ 19) all staff will be taking part in further online safety training being organised by C2K, our school computer providers.  Please note to allow time for this please remember school will close at 1pm.