Nerve Centre Support P7RA ICT
This term we have been developing the 'stop-go' animation element of the ICT curriculum. We have been experimenting with the i-Motion app on the school i-Pads and were ready to try a full project. This involved splitting into pairs or small groups and discussing a plan for our animation, which was then fully storyboarded and the backgrounds and the scenes were prepared.
At that point we were delighted to welcome Clark from the Belfast Nerve Centre along to advise and support us as we filmed our story, edited it and moved it into the i-Movie app to add dialogue/sound effects. He was a great help and was able to answer all our queries.
We then explained and showed our finished video to the class and invited and responded to comments. It was great fun as well as developing what were new skills for almost all of us.
Camphill Primary School, 65 Carolhill Park, Ballymena BT42 2DG Phone: 028 2565 2940