Loneliness Network - Link with Camphill Care Home
Our school is a joyful place, full of happy children. That is why we were more than willing to become part of a new initiative called The Loneliness Network. We have forged a lovely friendship with Camphill Care Home. (please refer to previous posts for more detailed information)
On Thursday morning we were kindly invited to the Care Home to meet with some of the residents, connect with relevant officers from Mid and East Antrim Council and have our photograph taken by a professional photographer. It was lovely to see the joy the items sent through the Loneliness Post Box gave to the residents. We were treated like VIP’s by staff at the Care Home 🏡. Thank you!
Article 13
Children have a right to share information with others through drawing, writing ✍️ and talking.
Camphill Primary School, 65 Carolhill Park, Ballymena BT42 2DG Phone: 028 2565 2940