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Camphill Primary School, Ballymena
Lafayette 'Class Photo' order forms are home with pupils on Monday 30th September - orders can be completed online or must be returned to school by Wednesday 9th October.  | After School Clubs - information coming out 30th Sep.....via website NEWS and Parentmail. | Reminder - Parent Fundraising group - first meeting of new school year - this Wednesday at 6:30pm - everyone welcome! (see NEWS below)  | P3 trip to Arthur Cottage this Weds....... payment must be made via Parentmail before Tues. 1st Oct.  | P6 Swimming - October/November payment now due..... this is due before Mon. 7th Oct.  | P7 parents - are you up to date with the residential trip payments - a September payment is now due. | A whole school information slideshow following on from the Parent Information sessions will be added to the NEWS section below Wk. bg. 30th Sep.
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'Journey to Santa' - Sustrans Challenge

11th Nov 2021

To get us into the Christmas spirit, we are going to be hosting a 4 week Sustrans challenge called 'Journey to Santa'. The challenge begins on Monday 15th November and will finish on Friday 10th December. The aim of the challenge is for our school pupils to try and collectively travel 2500 miles to reach the North Pole before Santa begins his deliveries at Christmas! 

Each pupil will be able to travel a maximum of '3 miles' per day. Miles can be gained in the following ways: 

  • Walking / scooting / cyclying to and/or from school (1 mile)
  • At least 15 minutes of active activity within school, e.g. The Daily Mile, PE lessons, Playpark visit, etc. (1 mile)
  • At least 15 minutes of active activity outside of school, e.g. football, hockey, walking the dog, playing with friends outside, etc. (1 mile)

Pupils or parents will then able to record their daily total on a recording sheet which will be home on Monday 15th. Pupils can bring these into school each day or at the end of a week so that their teacher can record their daily/weekly totals. 

Your child's class teacher will be keeping the class weekly total and Mrs McCullagh will then collect these weekly totals at the end of the challenge to see if we have reached our destination! The NORTH POLE here we come!