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Camphill Primary School, Ballymena
P6 & P7 pupils are performing 'Lights, Camera, Action' next week on Tues - School Dress Rehearsal/Weds & Thurs - tickets will be sent home with your child on Monday 3rd February. | Primary 2 parents - see Parentmail for permission form for 'Fruit Tasting' - sent on Mon. 27th Jan.  | P6 parents - an information leaflet from the Department of Education regarding 'The Transfer Process to Post Primary School' - will be sent out via Parentmail and added to the Primary 6 class webpage on Tuesday 28th January.  | P7 parents - EA Connect opens for Post Primary Applications on Tuesday 28th January at 12noon - a link to this can be found on the Primary 7 class webpage from Tuesday at 12noon. Proof of eldest child letter (required by some schools) will be sent via Parentmail to all those who this applies to on Tuesday/Wednesday of this week. | Primary 7 parents - see Parentmail 'SHOP' for the next block of Swimming payment and Trip to Titanic payment. | Our Senior & Junior Choir are holding additional practices this week in preparation for Ballymena Festival - if your child is in a School Choir information about the festival will be out early next week. 
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It's all fun with tens and ones!!!

8th Jan 2020

Currently in P3WS we are learning all about tens and ones in our Numeracy lessons. We have been having great fun completing lots of different practical activities. Today we were doing some practical addition of tens and ones using our base 10 boards and the dienes apparatus. Using the equipment really helped us with our understanding!