Access Keys:

Camphill Primary School, Ballymena
Calendar dates have been added to our website - please check these regularly for updates or further addition of dates. more dates will be added as we move through September. | Breakfast Club is now open each morning from 8:15am - cost £1.50 per morning. | 'Little Stars' / 'Big Stars' 2pm - 4:30pm afterschool club starts from WEDNESDAY 4th Sep..... if you are using the club please remember to keep to your booking slot/time. This is a chargeable club at £1.00 per 30mins.   | The School Uniform online shop opens on Mon. 2nd Sep - Fri. 13th Sep for any additional items needed - see under 'PARENTS' area for more details. | P1 parents - You will have received a date/time for your child's 'baseline interview' on your child's first day in school - please take note of this date/time. A parent information session is also arranged with your child's class teacher on WEDS. 11th Sep. at 5:30pm in your child's classroom - more details to follow.  | P6 pupils start swimming next Monday 9th Sep- please see Parentmail sent on Mon. 2nd Sep.
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Free School Meals and Uniform Allowance 2024/25

10th Jun 2024

See information below from EA

Applications open on the EA Connect portal on 18 June - If you are in receipt of one of the following, you will need to upload a Proof of Benefit letter when applying for Free School Meals and Uniform Allowance for the 2024/25 academic year:

➡️ Income Support
➡️ Income Based Jobseeker’s Allowance
➡️ Income Related Employment and Support Allowance
➡️ Guarantee Element of State Pension Credit

To be ready for when applications open on the EA Connect portal on 18 June, you can request a Proof of Benefit letter now, by clicking here. It will take at least five days to be sent to you.

If you receive Tax Credits or Universal Credit, you do not need the Proof of Benefit Letter. However, you will still need to upload evidence of these benefits when you apply.

More information on eligibility and supporting documentation can be found at