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Camphill Primary School, Ballymena
Happy Christmas from everyone at CAMPHILL PS........ enjoy some festive fun over the holidays and we will see everyone back to school on MONDAY 6th January 2025.  | Well done to all our pupils who were involved in our Nativity Plays, Carol Service or choir performances in the run up to Christmas - have a look at video snippets in 'NEWS' below...... enjoy! 
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Fifty Golden Years!!!!!!!!!!!

20th Mar 2018

As most of you will know, Camphill is celebrating being fifty years old. Each year group in our school is preparing an item to put into a time capsule. In Primary Four we are putting in some information about life in 2018. We have written a little bit about different aspects of our lives that we think children in fifty years time would like to read. It is amazing to think that in fifty years time, boys and girls will be talking about what our lives were like. How different will school and the world be then? Look at some of our research and completed work.