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Camphill Primary School, Ballymena
Due to St Patrick's Day on MONDAY - there will be NO morning or afternoon buses, NO Little Stars or Big Stars and NO Canteen facilities (ie. no Breakfast Club or Canteen Break in school). All pupils will finish school at 12 NOON.  | Spring Pupil Progress meetings with Class Teachers take place this week - Mon 17th March - School closes at 12noon on St. Patrick's Day and the rest of the week at 1:30pm for all pupils. Little Stars/Big Stars will run from 1:30pm onwards from Tuesday - Friday. | P6 Parents - please see information sent via Parentmail on Wednesday 12th March regarding SEAG transfer preparation. | P7 parents - the MARCH residential trip payment is now due - last day to pay 31st March. 
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Exciting Half Term Holiday News in P3SG! 🛩 🧳

17th Feb 2025

Back in September we learned about 'The Great Fire of London' as part of our World Around Us topic 'Fire, Fire'. We came back to school today to find out that Oliver from our class travelled to London with his Dad over the half term holidays. On their trip they went to visit the Monument which commemorates the Great Fire of London. Oliver got a special certificate as he climbed the 311 steps to the top of the monument. Not only that, but Oliver also got to visit 'Pudding Lane' which is where the Great Fire started in a small bakery in 1666. Oliver also got to see a metal plaque on the ground which is where they think the bakery would have been all those years ago. We absolutely loved seeing all of your photographs and hearing about your amazing trip....Well done Oliver!