Access Keys:

Camphill Primary School, Ballymena
School is open as normal on Monday 27th January - Please be vigilant when moving around the school site due to risk of debris.  | Online applications for a Primary 1 are still open via EA Connect. Applications now close at 12noon on Monday 27th January. | How you book 'Little Stars' & 'Big Stars' is changing from February - this is to give parents more flexibility in a month of the days they wish to book.  More details issued via Parentmail-  booking open for February places from Monday 20th January - Wednesday 29th January. | P6 & P7 pupils are performing 'Lights, Camera, Action' in early February - ticket information will be out via Parentmail on Monday 20th January.
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Ending on a High 🙌

25th Jun 2024

How is school nearly over for another year? Time definitely does fly in. Have a look at our final Stars 🌟 and VIP for the academic year 2023/24. Can we also take a moment to congratulate ourselves on winning the Healthy Break Cup again!




