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Camphill Primary School, Ballymena
OCTOBER places now booking for 'Little Stars' / 'Big Stars' - Parentmail opens at 6pm Mon. 23rd Sep. | P3 parents - please see information out on Tuesday 24th via Parentmail re: a Trip to Arthur Cottage in Cullybackey | P6 parents - please see Parentmail on Mon. 23rd Sep re: Block 2 swimming | A whole school information slideshow following on from the Parent Information sessions will be added to the NEWS section below this week. | Would you like to join the Parent Fundraising Committee - See NEWS below.
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Eco Day in P5RM 🌳

26th Apr 2024

P5 had a brilliant day at school on Friday for Eco Day.

We started the day by attending a whole school assembly where we heard about pollinators, which was this year’s theme. 

After that, we spent time making beautiful butterflies which were placed in our garden box later in the day. 

We spent time learning all about butterflies including how they are pollinators and we also learned about the life cycle of a butterfly, which was very interesting. 

When the sun was out, we went on a nature walk around our school grounds and explored our outdoor classroom, which hopefully we get to use lots in the coming months. 

ECO day supported our Take 5 message - we were all active, we learned lots of new things, we noticed more in our surroundings and we are able to share our knowledge with our family and friends. We also connected with each other when completing our fun activities. 

Have a look at some photos of us from today!