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Camphill Primary School, Ballymena
P2-P7 parents - Home on MONDAY 16th September is a DATA Information booklet which needs to be filled in and returned by Friday 27th September. This information 'uplift' is completed every 2 years and is needed for each child in school.  It would be appreciated if this information could be returned promptly. Thank you. | Flu Vaccination forms are home this week (Tuesday) - these must be completed and returned to school by next Monday 23rd September. | A photographer from the Ballymena Guardian is in school this Thursday to take a P1 class photo for their newspaper supplement - P1 parents please see Parentmail on Tuesday 17th Sep and ordering form going home on Thursday. | P7 parents - This Friday is the last day to register your child to sit the SEAG test - please see Parentmail sent 9/9/24. A Practice materials letter is home via Parentmail on Mon 16th Sep - please read.  | P1 parents - a 'Canteen lunch' invitation for your child is being sent via Parentmail on Tuesday this week - please complete this digital form before Thursday 19th.  | P1 parents - please remember pupils remain in school from next week for their lunch. | Calendar dates have been added to our website - please check these as a few have been updated. Dates are now final on the website calendar. 
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We are a Healthy Break school!

1st Sep 2024

At Camphill PS we encourage children to adopt and sustain healthy eating patterns from an early age. Our pupils will be encouraged to have only a healthy snack (fruit, vegetables, bread, water and milk) at break time.  It can often be difficult to encourage children to eat healthily, especially if their friends are seen to be having more tempting snacks. By supporting a healthy break we actively encourage our pupils to eat a healthy snack at break time.

Our children will be encouraged to have only the following foods and drink at break time:

  • Milk or water
  • Any fruit or vegetables (dried fruit will be allowed)
  • Cheese
  • Any bread product from the following list: Wholemeal, granary or white bread. Examples: wheaten bread, bagel, baguette, soda, potato bread, bread sticks, crumpets, pancakes (spread butter very thinly)

Please try to avoid sugary and high fat foods and spreads (e.g. jam, marmalade, honey or chocolate spread) and cereal bars (e.g. Coco Pops, Frosties and Rice Krispie bars).  Remember that nut based spreads (eg Nutella) are not permitted in school due to some children having nut allergies.

Children in P3 - P7 are able to purchase healthy break choices from the school canteen.

Further information regarding healthy choices for break and lunch is provided below.