Access Keys:

Camphill Primary School, Ballymena
P2-P7 parents - Home on MONDAY 16th September is a DATA Information booklet which needs to be filled in and returned by Friday 27th September. This information 'uplift' is completed every 2 years and is needed for each child in school.  It would be appreciated if this information could be returned promptly. Thank you. | Flu Vaccination forms are home this week (Tuesday) - these must be completed and returned to school by next Monday 23rd September. | A photographer from the Ballymena Guardian is in school this Thursday to take a P1 class photo for their newspaper supplement - P1 parents please see Parentmail on Tuesday 17th Sep and ordering form going home on Thursday. | P7 parents - This Friday is the last day to register your child to sit the SEAG test - please see Parentmail sent 9/9/24. A Practice materials letter is home via Parentmail on Mon 16th Sep - please read.  | P1 parents - a 'Canteen lunch' invitation for your child is being sent via Parentmail on Tuesday this week - please complete this digital form before Thursday 19th.  | P1 parents - please remember pupils remain in school from next week for their lunch. | Calendar dates have been added to our website - please check these as a few have been updated. Dates are now final on the website calendar. 
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Congratulations to our Attendance award winners from 2023-24 school year!

13th Sep 2024

In the first whole school Assembly of the 2024-25 school year Mrs McMaster presented the 2023- 2024 Gold (100%) and Silver (99%) Attendance Awards. 

Congratulations to all the pupils who received an award for 100% Attendance/99% Attendance during the 2023-2024 school year. 

Please see below how the Department of Education explain % attendance rates over the school year. 

100% Attendance  - 0 Days Missed  - Excellent

95% Attendance - 9 Days of Absence - 1 Week and 4 Days of Learning Missed - Satisfactory
90% Attendance  - 19 Days of Absence - 3 Weeks and 4 Day of Learning Missed - Poor
85% Attendance  - 28 Days of Absence - 5 Weeks and 3 Days of Learning Missed - Very Poor
80% Attendance - 38 Days of Absence - 7 Weeks and 3 Days of Learning Missed -Unacceptable
75% Attendance - 46 Days of Absence - 9 Weeks and 1 Day of Learning Missed - Unacceptable

For some parents, 90% may seem like an acceptable level of attendance, but the reality is that 90% attendance means that your child will miss half a school day each week or 19 days of school during the school year – that’s
nearly 4 school weeks of learning missed. 

Let's go for it this year - remember ATTENDANCE MATTERS!