Children’s Mental Health Week in P6
This week was Children’s Mental Health Week and the theme for the week was ‘Know Yourself, Grow Yourself.’
Throughout the week P6 completed many activities, for example we…
> went a walk around the school ‘taking notice’ of our surroundings,
> created a grid about the things that make us unique and used it to find someone who shares our likes and dislikes,
> focused on Take 5 at home looking at each of the aspects,
> uploaded photos to J2Journal of us ‘Taking 5’
> finished off our week watching Inside Out 2 as this fitted perfectly with the theme this year.
Not only did we look at ‘Take 5’ this week but it also made us think again about our Rights, for example:
> Article 31 - We have the right to rest, relax and play
> Article 28 - We have the right to learn
Camphill Primary School, 65 Carolhill Park, Ballymena BT42 2DG Phone: 028 2565 2940