Children’s Mental Health Week in P2 LA
This week is Children’s Mental Health Week. We have been looking at different ways we can keep our minds healthy.
We have been doing a variety of activities from our Take 5 approach.
Connect - We have been connecting with others in the class during our giving of bookmarks, doing the Daily Mile and mindfulness colouring.
Keep Learning - We have been learning how to keep our minds healthy and all about our feelings when watching our Mood Buster video clips.
Be active - We have been active using our Super Mood Movers, Daily Mile and Core NI PE online workshop.
Take notice - We have enjoyed our relaxing music in the classroom, mindfulness colouring and breathing. We all loved our fruit Art activity and making our Snowdrop pictures.
Give - Everyone in the class was given a post it note with a name of a child in the class on it. We then made that person a bookmark and enjoyed giving it to each other when completed.
During the week, we also looked at the rights of Children -
Article 28 - Children have the right to an education.
Article 31 - Children have the right to play and relax.
Have a look at our pictures!
Camphill Primary School, 65 Carolhill Park, Ballymena BT42 2DG Phone: 028 2565 2940