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Camphill Primary School, Ballymena
School is closed for the Halloween Break and will re-open again on Monday 4th November. | 'BREAK THE RULES' fundraiser - Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! We raised £1567.95 for school funds and we are so delighted! This makes a huge difference to our run-up to Christmas activities. The money also paid for Aladdin the pantomime and we are very thankful!  | ANNUAL TOY SALE is coming in November...... maybe over the holidays pupils can start to gather any unwanted toys and send them into school for the sale. | P2 parents - See Parentmail - 'Three Little Builders' STEM workshop in school on Tues. 5th Nov. | P3 & P4AMcL parents - please see Parentmail sent on Thurs. 17th Oct regarding an invitation to a 'Fresh Little Minds' workshop in early November. | P4 parents - see Parentmail - Class Visit to Ballymena Library on 7th November | P6 parents - See Parentmail - Trip to Ballymena Academy to see School Musical on Tues. 5th Nov. | P6 parents - See information in Parentmail regarding a 'Viking Workshop' coming to school in Jan'25.
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Camphill PS - Fire Evacuation plan....

11th Mar 2024

If you are a parent or visitor to school do you know what to do if the fire bell sounds? 

Please look at the attached documents.

If you hear a long, continuous bell sounding please exit from the nearest points and go directly to the Assembly Point - please listen to staff guidance.

On the maps attached the 'YOU ARE HERE' mark is showing you the front main entrance reception door to school. 

If a fire is raised our MAIN ASSEMBLY POINT is at the front of the school in the main bottom carpark - see document 'Assembly Point A', if a fire is raised at the front of the school our Assembly Point B is at the back of the school, up at the top of the back path - See document 'Assembly Point B'. 

Each Term our pupils and staff do a Fire Practice Drill - this  ensures our school community know what to do in the event of a fire. Have a look at the photos below showing a practice drill taking place earlier this school year. 

Please make yourself aware of the documents attached.