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Camphill Primary School, Ballymena
Calendar dates have been added to our website - please check these regularly for updates or further addition of dates. more dates will be added as we move through September. | Breakfast Club is now open each morning from 8:15am - cost £1.50 per morning. | 'Little Stars' / 'Big Stars' 2pm - 4:30pm afterschool club starts from WEDNESDAY 4th Sep..... if you are using the club please remember to keep to your booking slot/time. This is a chargeable club at £1.00 per 30mins.   | The School Uniform online shop opens on Mon. 2nd Sep - Fri. 13th Sep for any additional items needed - see under 'PARENTS' area for more details. | P1 parents - You will have received a date/time for your child's 'baseline interview' on your child's first day in school - please take note of this date/time. A parent information session is also arranged with your child's class teacher on WEDS. 11th Sep. at 5:30pm in your child's classroom - more details to follow.  | P6 pupils start swimming next Monday 9th Sep- please see Parentmail sent on Mon. 2nd Sep.
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Are you ready for a 'COLOUR RUN'?

3rd Jun 2024

We are holding a 'COLOUR RUN' on Thursday 20th June between 7pm-8pm. This will be a night of fun, colour, mess and music! 

All Camphill pupils are invited - Ticket only event. 

Tickets go on sale via Parentmail 'shop' on WEDNESDAY 5th JUNE - last date to purchase a ticket is FRIDAY 14th JUNE. 

Ticket price £6.00 - this includes entry, a white t-shirt to wear on the night, an ice-cream from Jim's Ices and a bottle of water. 

Let's make this a night to remember!! Fun, colour and music!