Access Keys:

Camphill Primary School, Ballymena
School is open as normal on Monday 27th January - Please be vigilant when moving around the school site due to risk of debris.  | Online applications for a Primary 1 are still open via EA Connect. Applications now close at 12noon on Monday 27th January. | How you book 'Little Stars' & 'Big Stars' is changing from February - this is to give parents more flexibility in a month of the days they wish to book.  More details issued via Parentmail-  booking open for February places from Monday 20th January - Wednesday 29th January. | P6 & P7 pupils are performing 'Lights, Camera, Action' in early February - ticket information will be out via Parentmail on Monday 20th January.
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AR Target Superstars in P6AM!

15th May 2020

Well done to Kaleb in P6AM who has been doing lots of reading at home and has met his AR Target for this term. What an achievement!

I am very proud of you, 

Mrs McCullagh :)