Access Keys:

Camphill Primary School, Ballymena
Due to St Patrick's Day on MONDAY - there will be NO morning or afternoon buses, NO Little Stars or Big Stars and NO Canteen facilities (ie. no Breakfast Club or Canteen Break in school). All pupils will finish school at 12 NOON.  | Spring Pupil Progress meetings with Class Teachers take place this week - Mon 17th March - School closes at 12noon on St. Patrick's Day and the rest of the week at 1:30pm for all pupils. Little Stars/Big Stars will run from 1:30pm onwards from Tuesday - Friday. | P6 Parents - please see information sent via Parentmail on Wednesday 12th March regarding SEAG transfer preparation. | P7 parents - the MARCH residential trip payment is now due - last day to pay 31st March. 
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Afterschools Clubs - Term 2 (Jan/Feb)

14th Jan 2025

We are delighted to announce our early Spring Term After schools programme for TERM 2 - booking information will be opening via PARENTMAIL on Tuesday 14th January at 6pm and closing on Monday 20th January at 12 noon. 

MONDAYS - P5 LEGO (5 sessions - dates on website calendar - 15 places - £1.00 per session) starting Mon.20th January. 

TUESDAYS - P4/5/6/7 Scripture Union (5 sessions - dates on website calendar - no cost) starting Tues. 21st January -

SIGN up HERE - Scripture Union sign up form

WEDNESDAYS - P1 Football (with Neil) (5 sessions - dates on website calendar - 20 places - £2.50 per session) starting Weds. 22nd January 
WEDNESDAYS - P3 Football (with Neil) (5 sessions - dates on website calendar - 20 places - £2.50 per session) starting Weds. 22nd January. 

THURSDAYS - P1/2 Dance (4 sessions - 20 places - £2.00 per session) starting Thurs. 23rd January 
THURSDAYS - P6/7 Dance (4 sessions - 20 places - £2.00 per session) starting Thurs. 23rd January 
THURSDAYS - P5/6/7 Hockey  (5 sessions - 30 places - no cost) starting Thurs. 23rd January - 

SIGN up HERE - HOCKEY sign up form

FRIDAYS - P2 Art (5 sessions - 15 places - £1.00 per session) starting Fri. 24th January.
FRIDAYS - P6 Art (5 sessions - 15 places - £1.00 per session) starting Fri. 24th January. 

'Little Stars' & 'Big Stars' Afterschools club continues to run daily.

All dates/times of all clubs mentioned above are on the website calendar.