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Camphill Primary School, Ballymena
Lafayette 'Class Photo' order forms are home with pupils on Monday 30th September - orders can be completed online or must be returned to school by Wednesday 9th October.  | After School Clubs - information coming out 30th Sep.....via website NEWS and Parentmail. | Reminder - Parent Fundraising group - first meeting of new school year - this Wednesday at 6:30pm - everyone welcome! (see NEWS below)  | P3 trip to Arthur Cottage this Weds....... payment must be made via Parentmail before Tues. 1st Oct.  | P6 Swimming - October/November payment now due..... this is due before Mon. 7th Oct.  | P7 parents - are you up to date with the residential trip payments - a September payment is now due. | A whole school information slideshow following on from the Parent Information sessions will be added to the NEWS section below Wk. bg. 30th Sep.
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A special message for P4AML

26th Jun 2020

Hello boys and girls.  It’s hard to believe that we’ve made it to the summer holidays. What a strange end to the year! I hope you managed to take part in some sports day activities and hopefully you’ll get some days out over the summer to make up for us not getting a school trip!

The website will be available over the summer so if anyone gets bored (!) and wants to catch up on any tasks they have missed, you will be able to do that. 

Thank you so much for all the lovely cards and presents, I hope you enjoyed your sweets and maybe got a little something from mums and dads for great school reports! 

It has been a great joy to have been your teacher for P4 and I am so disappointed that I didn’t get to finish the school year with you.  I can’t wait to see you all as big P5s! In the meantime, here is a wee video of some of our P4 highlights, enjoy!

Mrs McLaughlin