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Camphill Primary School, Ballymena
Lafayette 'Class Photo' order forms are home with pupils on Monday 30th September - orders can be completed online or must be returned to school by Wednesday 9th October.  | After School Clubs - information coming out 30th Sep.....via website NEWS and Parentmail. | Reminder - Parent Fundraising group - first meeting of new school year - this Wednesday at 6:30pm - everyone welcome! (see NEWS below)  | P3 trip to Arthur Cottage this Weds....... payment must be made via Parentmail before Tues. 1st Oct.  | P6 Swimming - October/November payment now due..... this is due before Mon. 7th Oct.  | P7 parents - are you up to date with the residential trip payments - a September payment is now due.
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Latest News

2019/2020 School Year

6th Feb 2020
We got to see our friends from Mary Queen of Peace today using the webcam! Mrs Gormley’s...
6th Feb 2020
Who would think that a birthday cake would have anything to do with Maths! Well,...
6th Feb 2020
Kyle entertained us yesterday by playing part of the Harry Potter theme tune on...
5th Feb 2020
Does anyone need a kitchen floor tiled or some funky wallpaper designed? If so,...
5th Feb 2020
If you would like to 'have a say' about 'Food in Schools' please see the message...
5th Feb 2020
Over the past couple of days we have been taking part in activities for Children’s...
4th Feb 2020
P5EG have been busy investigating, creating and learning through a range of different...
4th Feb 2020
SU started back today and it was so great to see such a good crowd of P5-7s come...
4th Feb 2020
We had some lovely visitors in P5 this week from Wellington Church, teaching us...
4th Feb 2020
Primary 1 have loved learning new steps and routines at Irish Dancing over the past...